Friday, January 19, 2007

Arabs shouldn't live in America

It is very hard to be an Arab living in America, it is even much harder to be an Arab and a Muslim and living in America.Take me as one example of thousands of other never ever reported other examples across the nation. I work in mid management position in a Midwestern state for a commuter University. Every week during our staff meeting my Irish boss cracks a joke or two about my nationality.In one of our regular staff meetings he told me that he would feel much more comfortable if I would take my winter coat off and hang it in the closet prior to the start of the staff meeting so he can see what is underneath that coat. He was obviously implying that I might be wearing an explosives laden belt underneath my coat.I was very offended by his remarks but since he is my boss I didn't want to raise any stink about it for the fear that he would fire me. I have never discussed it with him until the present day and I don't know whether his fear was real or he was just trying to be witty. On another occasion I was touring the campus with one of my supervisors and we happen to walk through a narrow corridor in the back of one of the buildings all of a sudden we noticed a Muslim guy praying and kneeling on the floor, the supervisor's face started turning all kinds of colors he told me that the guy is getting ready to blow himself up, I said to him that isn't true, he is just praying and we better leave him alone, the supervisor didn't heed my call and told me that he feels like going to his locker room and retrieve his hand gun and come back to blow this praying guy head off. Luckily the incident ended up peacefully because by the time we finished our dialogue the guy had already finished his praying and went away. On a third occasion, I received a call from one of the University occupants complaining about no toilet tissue in the men's bathroom, part of my job consists of insuring that all of the University buildings are cleaned, sanitized, and well stocked. I went to the worker assigned to that particular facility and asked him why hasn't he been putting toilet tissue in the bath room, his response was that there are a lot of Muslim students on the floor and these students use a lot of toilet tissue to align around the toilet seats and that is why the washroom keeps on running out of tissue. What a lame excuse, instead of admitting his dereliction of duty he passed the buck and used the Muslim students as a scapegoat to explain his gross malfeasance. These are true instances that occurred with me personally, it clearly demonstrates the level of hysteria that is going on in the US about the Arabs and the Muslim. Thanks to Hollywood, the Christian evangelists, and the one sided main stream media. Arabs and Muslims are never going to get their reputation sanitized no matter how hard they try, there is an organized institutionalized bigotry directed against them by very sophisticated think tank institutions in collaboration with the main stream media. Even when Arabs try to explain themselves; the media doesn't give them a chance. I have personally written thousands of letters to the editors, of each five hundred letters I would be very lucky to have one of them get published, and that is only after I spend all of my efforts and knowledge trying to sanitize my letter so that it would look extremely neutral. I may sound like a cynic but believe me it is the honest truth, it is a fact that it is very hard to be an Arab & living in America.


The Observer said...

That is sad! I guess it is hard to live in a disciminating environment. Maybe you should just ease down and let it go, and stand up for yourself when you can.

I mean maybe your boss was just kidding with you. He would be insane if he wasn't. If he continued his racial comments, I am sure you can do something by complaining to your higher management.

As for the guy walking down the street with you in the Alley. You should have corrected him firmly. He obviously doesn't know much about Muslims and Arabs. Talk to him firmly and stand to yourself.

The other guy responsible of the towilet. Can't you complain to his manager?

The thing is that in the USA there is law. There are human rights. When you are discriminated against you can take actions. I know that it isn't nice to keep up all your guards, but you can manage yourself and know when to let it pass, and when to stand up and say no it is enough.

Hatem Abunimeh said...

Thank you observer for stopping by and commenting in my blog. Thank you for the informative comment.

I have been trying to do what you suggested for well over 30 years, if that isn't long enough I'll try for 30 more years. It seems to me that they already have a preconceived idea cemented in their brains about Arabs and the Muslims and no amount of convincing will do the job, nevertheless, I'll keep trying.

The Observer said...

I am sure you know better than me Hatem, who am I to tell what to do while you have been living there for 30 years while I have never been there at all :)

I just believe that no matter what a stereotype some ignorant people would have about another certain group of people, it can be vanished once they know you better in person.

It is the other way around here. Imagine a Jew living in Amman! ya habibi, his life would be hell no matter how good of a person he is.

Emily said...

There are so many stories like yours, but I hope that there have been some things about being in Chicago and some people here who have made you more welcome in this regard. I'm a Chicago suburbanite though I've been away for school for a few years, and my introduction to Arabic and Islam was through my Catholic high school's partnership with Al-Aqsa school for girls in Bridgeview in 2002. We started inviting them along to Catholic Schools Opposing Racism meetings after the violent misdirected backlash to 9/11 many stories, but at any rate I have kept my interest in interfaith work through to the end of college and spent last Fall living in Amman. Before I left for Jordan, I experienced a lot of similar ignorance and unbelievable offense - "how many camels do you think you'll go for?" was a favorite response for people hearing of my study abroad plans. Being there really brought into focus how much misunderstanding there is on both sides.

But also how much hunger for information and desire to build and cross bridges exists. Chicago and Amman are partner cities - at least that's what the pamphlet at the Visitors Center downtown says - I want to know what that does for promoting culture exchanges, dialog, free and fair information ...

I guess what I'm saying is that my family has been very open and has learned so much, despite the fact that none of my expensive private schools ever taught me about the Modern Middle East. And this Chicagoan is planning to return to the Levant asap to work on my arabic (saab, bas heloo ikteer!) and do what I can to build bridges ...

I'm glad I came across your blog! Please do keep writing, I feel that I could learn a lot here.

Anonymous said...

I hate all Arabs. They are evil. They have no reason to live in America, in fact, they have no right to live at all! They are not God's children, they're the Devil's children. They're the ones who caused the 9/11 tragedy. You have to be a brainless idiot to believe Arabs are not evil. They should be killed, murdered, treated to slavery, beheaded, burned, and shot. I say down with them bearded animals and up with us Intelligent Americans!

Anonymous said...

TO Anonymous :
1-WE MUSLIMS NEVER SAID WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF God.we are the worshippers of God like every one else
2-those who did 9/11 ,did not study islam will which forbid attacks if a state of war is not present .actually by the law of islam it's forbidden for any muslim to a womann or a child or even to cut a tree even if the other side attacked so apparantly whoever did this doesnt know islam
3-if you think mslims should be "murdered, treated to slavery, beheaded, burned, and shot",it makes yo wonder who the torrirest is .

Anonymous said...

You write very well.

Anonymous said...

hi my name is yazzen and i my self is a muslim who loves god so much and i pray everyday. i go to school in michigan in kalamazoo central and one thing to fell is being the only muslim arab in your school or class room its really hard i know how u feel hatem and inshalla god will be with you. but no matter how i or we try we can never chaage peoples mind about arabs they have a picture in there head about arabs the min they hear the word arab i garentee the first thing they think about is bombs and 9/11. one think i wish i can let everyone know is that (why) i mean you hear every day how a white man shooting a collage or a black guy killing some one or even any race doing something. but the problem is most people forget about that stuff and i'll tell you why because there americans when that shoting at a collage two white guys killed 100 of people but the next day there was not a hate aginst white people. no there wasent because there americans. just because 9/11 happend and a couple NON MUSLIMs and god knows if they were arabic does not mean every arabing person has to be a terriost. i go to school everyday and i have so many people say hatered stuff about me and they know they just be messing with me but they dont know how i feel inside i mean haveing people say that about you really hurts and just because your arabing. hopefully when i get to collage i wanna studiey aviation and i am really scared that i would get rejected not by application but by thoughts and what i mean by thoughts is that people are going to but me down so much that i just might lose intrest in my dream. i was going to the airport a couple montha ago and i had a class there so i can get my private pilot licence and during that time it was football season and everyone was like why didnt you do football this year and i really didnt want to tell no one what was going on and that i was geting my private pilot licence and learing how to fly. finally i got sick of people asking me about it and told them. first reaction everyone got was that an arab that is very young and is learning how to fly. from that day one i got so many steriotypes like dont crash the plane into the school or some people would joke around and say hey yazzen will you give me a C-4 and teach me how to use it. or can you blow up this one guys house for me. and i really couldent do anything and not cuz i'm scared and i really wasent scared of no one its just respect that i have for my self i was not going to let every one put me down for who i was and who i wantd to become.
the main thing here is have respect for you and most important is for thought people that try to but you down

- yazzen shammout

Adnan said...

First of all thanks Yazzen for that explaination but still have to show more and explain why would arab people treat them nicly everywhere you go in Arabian countries, you know with all kinds of hateness they keep telling we're terrorists(all of us) missing or pretinding that they're not a group of racicsts, what Islam teachs is to treat everyone the same whoever gone muslim should be treated well and who's not. That kind of treatment itself makes you wounder who is looking after human rights and who's not well I'd say to hatem "Now that you've gone a racist since ever would you tell me how do you treat black people as called ? or Mexican people ..what about us Arabian, huh! dont you think for a while lets stop and look into this religion deeply or not to judge by whom way far from the real Islam .. who goes and blow an airplane, fire a gun on people, shot at'm,just like you :).
Dont you remember the American guy who has killed a phisicist who wa researching some studies late in a Laboratory physicist long time ago in order to send a messege to the U.S government haha !! I dont know what's wrong with people when they do not have eyes or ears to hear or read some channles that is in English which realy present the Idlam in a right way .. dont you get it the world is shrinkin' get some help.

Anonymous said...

Stop blaming everyone for your misery. Frankly your story says that you are the coward for not standing up to your boss in fear of losing your job. In this country you CAN raise a stink about your boss making degrading humor about your national origin and if he fires you, you can sue his ass. Obviously you're kind that would let another step on his dignity and the dignity of his people for a stupid job. Don't blame Holywood and the Christian evangalists when you're the one without a spine. Grow one and you'll see a difference in the community around you.

Anonymous said...

You can only rent an Arab, never will buy an Arab... the only good muslim is a ...... one.

Why do Arabs and Muslims want to live in America? I have never met a Muslim that critisized all that is wrong about Islamic terrorism, they only talk ill of America.. so why live here? Get back to your Arab and Paki lands... these people are evil.

Anonymous said...

There is obviously a lot to know about this. I think you made some good points in Features also.

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